British Columbia Distance Calculator
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  Departure City Destination City
Leaving from
From To Principle Route Time/Distance
Summerland Abbotsford Hwy 97, 97C, 5, 1 heading Southwest 4hrs 0mins
332km (206mi)

Distance and Time from Summerland to Popular Destinations

Time to the Destination City is based on an average speed of 80 km/h (49.71 mph). Principal Route shows the list of major highways travelled in the specified direction.

Sort by km/mi. to Destination City

Destination City Principal Route Time/Distance
Banff, AB Hwy 97, 1 heading Northeast 9hrs 9mins
529km (329mi)
Calgary, AB Hwy 97, 1 heading Northeast 10hrs 38mins
652km (405mi)
Cranbrook, BC Hwy 97, 3 heading East 8hrs 11mins
523km (325mi)
Edmonton, AB Hwy 97, 1, 2 heading Northeast 13hrs 46mins
944km (587mi)
Golden, BC Hwy 97, 1 heading Northeast 6hrs 52mins
392km (244mi)
Hope, BC Hwy 97, 97C, 5 heading Southwest 3hrs 0mins
253km (157mi)
Kamloops, BC Hwy 97, 97C, 5 heading North 2hrs 41mins
225km (140mi)
Kelowna, BC Hwy 97 heading North 0hrs 54mins
50km (31mi)
Nelson, BC Hwy 97, 3, 6 heading East 5hrs 29mins
340km (211mi)
Prince George, BC Hwy 97, 97C, 8, 1, 97 heading North 10hrs 11mins
696km (432mi)
Prince Rupert, BC Hwy 97, 97C, 8, 1, 97, 16 heading Northwest 21hrs 0mins
1,407km (874mi)
Radium Hot Springs, BC Hwy 97, 1, 95 heading Northeast 8hrs 24mins
496km (308mi)
Revelstoke, BC Hwy 97, 1 heading Northeast 4hrs 23mins
245km (152mi)
Vancouver, BC Hwy 97, 97C, 5, 1 heading West 5hrs 9mins
400km (249mi)
Victoria, BC Hwy 97, 97C, 5, 1, 10, 17, Swartz Bay Ferry, Hwy 17 heading Southwest 6hrs 37mins
496km (308mi)
Whistler, BC Hwy 97, 97C, 8, 1, 12, 99 heading Northwest 6hrs 32mins
447km (278mi)
Williams Lake, BC Hwy 97, 97C, 8, 1, 97 heading Northwest 6hrs 38mins
457km (284mi)